Welcome to the Veterinary clinic  (VC) at An-Najah National  University. Whether your animal is a new patient, a life-long patient, or a recent referral, we are honored that you and your referring veterinarian have trusted us to be a healthcare provider.

We have been the only healthcare providers in the north for 15 years. Our healthcare team is a committed group of veterinary educators, researchers, clinicians and students. Your animals are reaping the benefits of our experience in treating animals over the years. Our clients expect us to do it all from high quality routine healthcare to state-of-the-art therapy for the most critically ill animals. Our caregivers exceed these expectations…every day.

Many of the patients we see are referred by local practitioners; in many cases, the person who has provided care for your animals for many years. We want to acknowledge the tremendous contribution these doctors make and we want you to know how important they are to our success. In many ways, we are here to help them, help you.

You probably already know that our veterinarians are highly regarded and the medical technology in our clinic matches and in some cases exceeds that available in human hospitals. What you may not know is that we are driven by our deep appreciation for animals, we honor the human-animal bond,

When your pet or production animal requires a specialist, we have an experienced and highly educated staff of experts — the best of the best — available on-site for consult. And when routine medical care is what your pet needs, our general practice veterinarians are among the finest in the profession — without exception.

We thank you for taking time to visit the VC. I hope it gives you a better understanding of who we are, what we do and why we are committed to animal health and welfare. We exist simply because of our commitment to teaching and healing.

Thank you for supporting our veterinary clinic  and thank you for caring about animals.

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