Academic programs

The Agriculture Engineering Department offers four academic programs leading to B.SC. and four M.Sc. degrees.

  1.  Undergraduate programs (three fields):
  • Agricultural Engineering
  • Plant Production and Protection 
  • Animal Production and Animal Health 
  • Nutrition and Food Technology 

      2.  Graduate program (four fields):

  • Plant Production & Protection
  • Animal Production
  • Nutrition and Food Technology
  • Agribusiness


The Veterinary Medicine Department offers an academic program leads to B.V.M.S in Veterinary Medicine.


Future Perspectives

Agriculture Engineering Department

  • The improvement and development of the teaching process through:  
  1. Continuous review and development of academic plans to achieve market needs.
  2. Work to increase faculty members and qualified technicians.
  3. Continue to develop field training in the college farms and elsewhere.
  • Improving scientific research by:
  1. Cooperation and coordination with local and foreign institutions to provide financial support for agricultural research.
  2. The provision of financial material support from the Deanship of scientific research.
  3. Activating the role of graduate students and cooperation in scientific research.
  4. Ensure the publication of results in journals, symposiums and various workshops. 
  • Engagement in the local community through:
  1. Strengthening links with colleges and institutes inside or outside the university and agricultural schools.
  2. Providing special attention to college graduates and help find jobs for them.
  3. Increased participation in national councils and committees.
  4. Communicating and interacting with farmers and dissemination research through field days and extension bulletins.


Veterinary Medicine Department

  1. Establishment of new specialist departments (Department of clinical   veterinary science, Department of veterinary pathology and animal health, Department of Basic science).
  2. Establishment of veterinary hospital for serving the local community able to receive, diagnose and treat different cases.
  3. Establishment of special laboratories for pharmaceutical studies and drug analysis and equivalence.
  4. Establishment of unit for embryo transfer and implantation, tissue culture and breeding selection.
  5. Establishment of specialist control unit for examine the food products of animal origin to issuer their value and safety.