A delegation from the Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences and the Department of Biotechnology at An-Najah University Participated in the Workshop for Diagnosis and Control of Malta Fever in the area, which was held in Jordan University of Science and Technology, in the period between 5th - 7th of January -2014, at the invitation of the Jordanian Faculty of Medicine, with the participation of several French, American, Egyptian, Algerian, Jordanian, and Palestinian experts.

An-Najah University was represented by Dr. Suleiman Al-Kahleel, Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences, Dr. Nimer Khraim, Head of the Veterinary Department, Dr. Sameh Abuseir who introduced a review on the current situation of Malta Fever in Palestine, and Dr. Kamel Idwan who presented a paper on the use of PCR in the diagnosis of Malta Fever.

Over the three days, the operations of Autopsy, case diagnosis, Clinical, anatomic, and laboratory tests were conducted on the mechanism of the infection.

The assembly came to a number of recommendations, the most important of which was to initiate a regional laboratory for the detection and diagnosis of the disease.

At the margin of the workshop, a meeting took place between Dr. Suleiman Al-Khaleel from An-Najah, and Professor Abdallah  Al-Malkawi, President of the Jordan  University of Science and Technology, where they discussed cooperation and academic exchange between the two universities, as the latter welcomed the idea of exchanging Faculty members , and cooperation in research and joined projects. Dr. AL-Khaleel also met with Dr. Ihab Abu-Basha, and the Head of the Veterinary Department at An-Najah University, and talked about cooperation between the Faculty and its counterpart at the Jordan University for Science and Technology.

Dr .Curie Brown, the expert in the field of detection and diagnosis of Malta Fever at Georgia University in Atlanta, will visit the Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary sciences for three days, aiming to reinforce  the academic cooperation between the two universities in that field. Dr. Bruno Bastuggi, scientist and expert in Malta Fever and OIE official, was also invited to participate in the next International conference which will be held in the Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences.

عدد القراءات: 128