On Monday, March 17, 2015, Professor Maher Natsheh, Acting President of An-Najah National University received Ms. Liz Tyson, International Relations Officer at the Palestinian Animal League Solidarity Organisation and Mr. Ahmed Safi, Executive Manager of the mentioned association.

In the meeting, Prof. Natsheh expressed commended Ms. Tyson’s efforts as advocate for animal rights in Palestine

In turn, Ms. Tyson commended the role played by An-Najah’s Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine in the field of animal protection.

Dr. Suleiman Al-Khalil, Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine at An-Najah talked about the projects the Faculty is planning to implement in the near future to guarantee animals protection and provide a healthier environment despite the political situation in Palestine.


- Dr. Tyson has been Director of UK the charity The Captive Animals' Protection Society since 2010.

- Palestinian Animal League Solidarity is the only locally-run animal protection group operating in the Occupies Territories.

عدد القراءات: 65