On Wednesday March 4th, a delegation representing the University of Naples visited the Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine at An-Najah National University- Tulkarem (Khadouri Campus). The visit accompanied the completion of efforts to develop a cooperation project, which was signed to facilitate academic exchange and implement the joint Masters project signed by An-Najah National University and University of Naples.

Dr. Suleiman Al-Khalil, Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine welcomed the Italian delegation and delivered a brief speech concerning the efforts to improve higher education in various agricultural sectors.

Dr. Al-Khalil spoke further about the veterinary services the faculty presents to farmers and the field trips to farmlands in order to diminish infectious diseases spread among animals. He added that Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine Laboratories are regarded as scientific sources of Veterinary Medicine in Palestine.

It is worth mentioning that An-Najah National University has recently signed an MOU with Naples University and launched the joint Masters program through the Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine.


-The joint Masters program allows Palestinian graduates to get a dual Masters degree from both An-Najah National University and the University of Naples. It also gives top Palestinian graduates the opportunity to get a Ph.D in Biotechnology at Naples University.

-A field trip has been organized to introduce the Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine to the faculty's laboratories, staff and equipment.

-The Italian delegation was represented by Dr. Raffaele Porta, head of the delegation of University of Naples, Dr. Giovanni Sannia, Doctoral Study Program Officer in Biotechnology and Dr. Gianluigi Mauriello, the Department of Agriculture Coordinator at University of Naples.




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