A delegation from the Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine of An-Najah National University has recently participated in a training workshop on developing agriculture programmes' study plans to integrate students in the labour market.

The workshop took place from June 19 – June 27, 2018 at Wageningen University in the Netherlands.

An-Najah participation was part of the executive plan of the division of agriculture programmes' development project, funded by the Quality Improvement Fund (QIF) of the Palestinian Ministry of Education and Higher Education.

The delegation included Dr. Ma`en Samara, Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine and Head of the Project's Steering Committee, Professors Hassan Abu-Qaoud, Jihad Abdullah and Samer Mudalal, members of the project's Technical Committee and Dr. Munqeth Shtayyeh, Project Director as well as Mr. Tariq Abu Khaizaran, Mr. Sameer Junaidi and Dr. Fadi Abu Sham'a, partner representatives from the Agricultural Private Sector.


The workshop themes shed light on methods of preparing study plans, teaching methods and evaluation of apprenticeship courses and internship programmes.


عدد القراءات: 69