The Palestinian Animal League (PAL) announced the launch of its branch at An-Najah National University in a meeting attended by its Head Mr. Ahmad Safi and An-Najah University representatives.

The meeting aimed to spread awareness about animal welfare and encourage students to be involved in voluntary work related to animal welfare.

The meeting included speeches about facing the challenges that hinder animal welfare issues in the Palestinian community, protection of street dogs and ways to deal with them, the increase of pets' adoption and guidelines for adoption and violence against animals.

At the end of the meeting, the league representative screened a film trailer titled: "Nations like you", a movie that sheds light on PAL's mission and objectives

Established in 2011, PAL works to improve the lives of animals and people in Palestine. It delivers spay and neuter surgery for street dogs, provides veterinary treatment and care for working horses and donkeys and works with young people to develop community-based animal and environmental protection proejcts

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