An-Najah University signed an MOU with the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) to implement: "Green jobs and Sustainable Income Opportunities for Palestinian Female and Male Youth in the Agri-food Sector" project.

The project will be implemented in partnership with four local Palestinian Universities including; An-Najah University, Palestine Technical University – Khadouri, Al-Quds University, and Hebron University.

Funded by the Government of Denmark, the project aims to promote green jobs and support green enterprise development for Palestinian youth with a special focus on fostering social development, addressing gender inequalities, and stimulating local green economic growth. This will reflect into enhancing food security and social and economic stability within the Palestinian community.

The project is building sustainable partnerships with Palestinian universities to identify female and male youth investments in high-potential agri-food value chains. The Project is also cultivating strategic partnerships with the private sector as the key driver of agribusiness development and government institutions as the leaders in policy-making and delivery of public goods and services that are indispensable for agribusiness development. As a result, the intervention is building strong networks and the capacity to nurture social change and promote green jobs and green enterprise development.

The project will select 100 female and male youth from each of the four parenting universities, as female percentage must not be less than 50%.

(FAO) aims to support promoting green jobs and green enterprise development for Palestinian youth; in order to achieve greater access to decent productive jobs and improved employment and income generation opportunities.

عدد القراءات: 69