The Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine’s Agricultural Research and Training Center at An-Najah National University, and Hisham Hijjawi College of Technology in partnership with the Nablus Chamber of Commerce and Industry, concluded a training course on modern farming methods.

The training was held as part of a project titled: “Improving Resilience and Job Opportunities for Youth. The project aims to enhance young Palestinians’ access to a supportive learning environment that promotes youth employment, entrepreneurship, and green innovations. The project also aims to equip vulnerable young females and males with employability and resilience skills by applying inclusive, gender-sensitive, and environmentally friendly strategies.

The course was given by Dr. Tawfiq Qubbaj, and Eng. Shadi Abu Hanoud of An-Najah’s Agricultural Research and Training Center, and Dr. Munqez Shtaya of the Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine.

The sixteen-day training course included 120 training hours. It included the participation of 15 male and female trainees. The course covered four topics including integrated pest management in greenhouses, recycling domestic waste, compost manufacturing process, propagation of ornamental plants, and production of annual crops.

عدد القراءات: 277