Build Community Resilience and Improve Livelihoods and Food Security through Safe Agriculture Practices in West Bank, Palestine (PARC).

Dr.Tawfiq Qubbaj


The PARC is a three-year project (2022-2025) funded by the French Development Agency (AFD) and Islamic Relief France (SIF), and implemented by An-Najah National University  (Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine & Energy, Water and Food Security Research Center ) in partnership with the Palestinian Economic and Social Development Center (ESDC), and in coordination with the Palestinian Standards Institute (PSI) and the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA). Its goal is to improve the safety and quality of highly consumed agricultural fresh vegetables in Palestine by supporting small-scale Palestinian farmers’ adoption of the Palestinian Good Agricultural Practices (PAL.G.A.P).

The Palestinian Good Agricultural Practices system (PAL.G.A.P) is a quality agricultural system based on international good agricultural practices and adapted to fit the Palestinian context and needs. The project will enhance farmers' adoption of PAL.G.A.P standards and increase their capacity to produce and market agricultural food products that meet PAL.G.A.P requirements. Adopting these standards will produce safer and higher-quality crops, increase farmers' income, and enable consumers to obtain safe, high-quality products. Additionally, the development and implementation of PAL.G.A.P systems will reduce risks associated with (i) food safety and quality, (ii) environmental impacts, and (iii) General public health and workers’ health and safety. Ultimately, it will create demand for high-quality, environmentally friendly agricultural inputs and promote sustainable agricultural production and consumption. The project targets 400 farmers, including 120 women, 6 farmer cooperative associations (including 3 women-led associations), and 20 graduates from agricultural colleges employed by the project and the joined An-Najah University project’s team.

The project also aligns with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which An-Najah National University is committed to pursuing by positively impacting the environment through teaching and learning, innovative research, community participation, operational sustainability, and partnerships. The project will contribute to achieving several SDGs, including:


Goal 1: No Poverty
By increasing farmers' income, the project aims to eradicate poverty.

Goal 2: Zero Hunger
By improving agricultural productivity and ensuring sustainable food production systems, the project aims to achieve food security and end hunger.

Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being
By ensuring access to safe and nutritious food, the project promotes health and well-being at the consumer level.

Goal 4: Quality Education
Through the project's team implementation of training programs on good agricultural practices (PAL GAP), it enhances agricultural knowledge and skills among farmers, leading to improved productivity and sustainability.

Goal 5: Gender Equality
The project seeks to ensure the participation of all farmers, including women, in support programs that aim to promote gender equality in the agricultural sector.

Goal 6: Clean Water and Sanitation
By reducing environmental impacts, the project supports the sustainable availability and management of water resources.

Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
By enhancing farmers' capacities, personal safety, and market access, the project promotes sustainable economic growth and decent work.

Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities
By enhancing the capabilities of farmers in marginalized rural areas, the project contributes to reducing economic and social gaps between urban and rural areas.

Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
By ensuring the production of high-quality and safe food, the project supports sustainable consumption and production patterns.

Goal 13: Climate Action
By reducing environmental impacts and managing natural resources, the project aligns with efforts to combat climate change.

Goal 15: Life on Land
By supporting sustainable agriculture, the project helps protect, restore, and promote the sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems in and on soil.